Desire God. Value Truth. Love Others. Make Disciples. All to the Glory of God.

Our Youth Program


It's a Partnership

Our WBC Teen Ministry (7th–12th grade) seeks to make disciples of high school students in our community. It is our goal to lead them to desire God above all else, value truth and proclaim it, love others, make disciples, and do all to the glory of God. We accomplish this by partnering with parents as the primary disciple makers in their homes and by creating intentional environments where students can learn about who God is and who they are. We want them to know that they belong and to grow in understanding of their purpose as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Opportunities for Your Teen

Student Night

Sundays at 5pm-6:30pm

Winterport Baptist Church:

100 Coles Corner Rd. Winterport, 04496

Our youth group meets each week to enjoy fellowship centered in God's Word. Expect to laugh, be active, and grow in a deeper understanding of Who God is, and who we are to be.

Youth Activities

Usually 1 activity per month

Teen Say-So's (Psalm 107)

Last Friday or Saturday of the Month

Teen Say-So's are an opportunity for teenagers to meet and fellowship with other families involved in the youth group and share what God is doing in their lives. Our youth group will meet at a *host families house to enjoy food, friends, fellowship, and testimonies. These fellowships last about an hour, and transportation is provided.

Our Youth Pastor


Thomas Cardona

Originally from Connecticut, Thomas joined our Winterport church family with a passion to lead young people to desire God and enjoy Him above all things. After graduating with a degree in Christian Ministry and Bible, Thomas pastored in his home town of Bristol, CT for two and a half years. In August of 2021, God led him to Winterport Baptist Church to serve as the Youth Pastor. He also works as a graphic designer and seeks to use his gifts in design and media to build his church body. He serves as our Youth Pastor and Media Tech.

Connect With Thomas


Whether you are new to Winterport Baptist Church, or have been attending for some time, Thomas would love to meet with you. It is his desire to be a help, encouragement, and friend to the youth of our church. To contact Thomas, or to schedule a visit, please fill out the form below and let him know how he can serve you.

Contact Info